2022年 ISBC開催情報


Dear colleague,


We are very happy to announce that the 21st ISBC & XIX ISLS Conference will be finally held during May 31st– June 3rd, 2022 at Gijon, Spain. Please, don`t forget to book these dates in your agenda. We are very thankful that everyone has been patiently waiting for us to determine the best time to reschedule our joint ISBC & ISLS Conference in a safe and healthy way.


Since the pandemic of COVID-19 broke out all over the world, many international conferences have been cancelled or held online. The number of people infected with COVID-19 in Spain has decreased dramatically due to the progress of vaccination, and is now about 1/100 of the peak level. Since this November, most of the restrictions on travel and meeting in Spain have been lifted, and normal daily life has gradually returned.

As our plans begin to take shape, we will be making announcements on the NEW website  https://www.isbc-isls2022.com  that has been recently lunched and also by periodical emails. Keep your eyes open!

We hope that we will be able to meet safely and in an excellent atmosphere in Gijon.

Warm regards,

Jose Manuel Costa-Fernandez

Chairman of the XIX ISLS & 21st ISBC


Rosana Badia Laiño

Co-chairman of the XIX ISLS & 21st ISBC

